TyphoonLabs' OpenGL Shading Language tutorials

Chapter 1: Introduction to GLSL

- An Introduction to Programmable Hardware

- Brief History of the OpenGL Programmable Hardware Pipeline

- Fixed Function vs. Programmable Function


* Programmable Function Scheme

* Fixed Function Scheme

- Shader 'Input' Data


* Uniform Variables

* Vertex Attributes


* Varying Variables

- Shader 'Output' Data


* Vertex Shader

* Fragment Shader

- Simple GLSL Shader Example

- Shader Designer IDE


* User Interface


* Toolbar


* Menu


* State Properties



+ Light States



+ Vertex States



+ Fragment States


* Code Editor Window


* Uniform Variables Manager


Chapter 2: GLSL Basics

- Introduction

- GLSL Language


* Mechanisms Borrowed from C++

* Character Set


* Pre-processor Keywords


* Comments


* Variables and Types


* Type Descriptions


* Type Qualifiers


* Operators and Preference


* Subroutines


* Flow Control


* Built-in Variables


* Built-in Constants


* Built-in Attributes


* General Built-in Uniform States


* Varying Variables


* Built-in Functions


Chapter 3: GLSL Basic Shaders

- Introduction

- First Basic Shader


* Simple Shader 1


* Simple Shader 2: Using Varying Variables

- Using Built-in Uniforms and Attributes

- Texturing and Multitexturing (Vertex Attributes)

- Discard Shader and Subroutines

- Simple Illumination Model 1

- Simple Illumination Model 2: Per Vertex Specular & Glossines


Chapter 4: Advanced Shaders

- Introduction

- Per Pixel Illumination Model

- Bump Mapping

- Simple Parallax Shader

- Mandelbrot Shader (Flow Control)

- Advanced Illumination Model


Chapter 5: Appendix

- Using GLSL Shaders Within OpenGL Applications


* Loading and Using Shaders


* Using Uniforms


* Using Textures


* Using Vertex Attributes

- How To Use the 3DSMax5 Mesh Exporter

- References

Contact: jrodriguez 'at' parallel-games.com