XXX - Not complete yet!!! Name SGIX_async_histogram Name Strings GL_SGIX_async_histogram Version $Date: 1998/02/11 23:24:25 $ $Revision: 1.3 $ Number 134 Dependencies SGIX_async is required. EXT_histogram is required. Overview This extension introduces a new asynchronous mode for histogram and minmax readbacks. It allows programs to get the contents of a histogram or minmax table without blocking and to continue issuing graphics commands during the readback. New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of Enable, Disable and IsEnabled, and by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX 0x832C Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: MAX_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX 0x832D Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.1 Specification (Rasterization) Add the following to the end of the specification of histogram and minmax operators in section 3.6.4 ("Pixel Transfer Operations"): Calling Enable with the parameter set to ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX causes subsequent GetHistogramEXT and GetMinmaxEXT commands to be asynchronous (similar to the asynchronous DrawPixels command described earlier). An implementation of these asynchronous commands may be non-blocking: It may return control to the program immediately rather than waiting for an asynchronous query command's results to be written into host memory. Asynchronous histogram and minmax readback commands sample the OpenGL state vector at the time they are issued, but they may be executed at some undefined point in the future. In particular, if subsequent commands change the contents of the histogram or minmax table then the result of the query is undefined. Calling Disable with the parameter set to ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX restores the default synchronous behavior. Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.1 Specification (Fragments and the Frame Buffer) None Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.1 Specification (Special Functions) None Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.1 Specification (State and State Requests) None Additions to the GLX Specification None GLX Protocol None Dependencies on SGIX_async This document adds a new category of asynchronous commands to the framework defined by SGIX_async. Dependencies on EXT_histogram This document changes the semantics of the query commands defined by EXT_histogram. Errors INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetHistogramEXT or GetMinmaxEXT is called and ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX is enabled and the number of asynchronous histogram or minmax readback commands that have been issued but not queried (using FinishAsyncSGIX or PollAsyncSGIX) exceeds MAX_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX. New State Get Value Get Command Type Value Attrib --------- ----------- ---- ------- ------ ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX IsEnabled B False enable New Implementation Dependent State Minimum Get Value Get Command Type Value --------- ----------- ---- ------- MAX_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX GetIntegerv Z+ 1